6 Things That You Must Know About Transparent LED Screens

Maximizing the benefits of technology requires that you have a strong grasp on the subject in addition to the desire to explore new concepts and techniques. When the camera was first invented, it was merely a novelty. They would only need to stand for a few minutes instead of standing still for hours at end for a painter. After a while, photographs gave way to moving pictures, and then a few decades later, people began to improve and consider ways to make the pictures colorful. Emoting the camera without any use of words and sounds was replaced by colorful vivid pictures with sounds. However, moviemakers were still not impressed and they began to find ways to improve the hues, saturation and contrasts of the pictures. Nowadays, colorful pictures have given way to HD resolution displays such as LCD, LED and OLED displays.

Here, we will discuss 6 basic considerations regarding transparent LED screens to help you understand the technology, its challenges, and the boundless possibilities.

  • Black is transparent. What makes a transparent LED screen unique is the transparency, which is made possible by the stark black content, which is achieved by giving fully vivid-colored content appear completely saturated until it appears opaque. Unlike an LCD, where the blackness is achieved by turning on all the crystals so they are able to obstruct the backlight, the transparent LED screens uses light emitting diodes by turning all LED pixels off. Although a conventional LED screen might look black to you, a transparent LED screen is generally clear.
  • If you want true transparency, use stark black instead of grey or any lighter color.
  • Brightness is just an illusion. When you look through or at a transparent LED display, you might think that it is not that bright. It is true that an LED display doesn’t emit the same amount of light as the LCD does with the use of a backlight. However, the transparency of the transparent LED display is achieved as black emphasizes the luminosity of other colors and gives an illusion to the eye by making them seem brighter.
  • Colors on the transparent LED display are very powerful. Each pixel emits its individual light and the more pixels are lit, the more power will be required to keep the LED display on. Think of each pixel as a light bulb which can be turned on and off independently. This will give you an idea about the power consumption of a LED display. If every pixel is lit up on the screen at all times, it will take more energy than if only a fraction of the pixels were lit up.
  • The longevity of the display screen is also based on how many pixels are lit up at all times and how long each pixel remains active. Most experts believe that the content used effects the life of the screen. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the screen transparency at 75% at all times.
  • The transparency of an LED display is variable. This means that what is behind the display is as important as what is on the display. Otherwise there was no point of the screen being transparent. You can use specific lighting effects and options to change or customize the relative transparency of the screen independent of the content that is showed on the screen, which will help exercise people’s attention by content movement.


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