Technology of Transparent Glass Touch Screen is Redefining the Restaurant Industry

Imagine this. A customer enters a restaurant. There are no printed menus, no counters, no waiters or even a person to take your order. The people who are preparing the customer’s orders are hidden from sight. This is not just a dream anymore but a reality.

A new San Francisco based restaurant is using transparent glass touch screen to indicate when the order is ready for the consumer without engaging any waiting staff. This kind of touch careen technology is reshaping the food industry where kitchen, menus as well as customer receiving areas and reservations are being handled by technology based programs and apps. The restaurants of the future will be completely based on technology to enhance efficiency and to ensure that users get the maximum advantage of services in a short amount of time.

Transparent glass touch screen allows customers to view the selection of food available, make a selection based on their preference, pay for their food and receive their food without having to interact with a single human being in the process. Human interaction is being reduced in the restaurant industry by using touch careen and interactive panels that are fitted at the entrance of the restaurants. They are either used as to garner attention of the customers or to give the eatery a competitive advantage over others in the area or region.

With a touch screen and connecting software, it will become much easier for restaurant owners or managers to adjust their menu, price and update customers about constant and instant deals and specials of the day. What is best is that these changes and operations can either be done in-house or can be operated from hundreds of miles away, giving the owners the complete freedom to control their establishment without being tethered to it physically.

Moreover, in a competitive world where new restaurants are popping left and right, it is inherent that the right message reaches the customers at the right time. This kind of transparent glass touch screen are also quite advantageous for restaurants that have more than one franchises in the country and need to maintain  a consistent menu and price range all over in a similar fashion. Making real-time adjustments was never this easy or even possible before the age of transparent glass touch screen.

Some restaurants are considering investing in transparent glass touch screen due to many reasons, a few of which are explained below.

  • For influencing the decisions of the walk-in customers by presenting them with chef’s favorite or special of the day and promoting it on a stand-alone display screen, which captures their attention.
  • Changing pricing and menu selection by remote access within minutes
  • Convenient testing of experimental dishes, price points and promotions
  • Adaptation of menu depending on the time of day
  • Using eye-catching videos of your food being served and prepared to make it irresistible for your patrons to leave without trying a wide selection of the food
  • Displaying nutritional information for health conscious patrons

The automation of the restaurant industry is less expensive than ordering promotional flyers, printed menus and brochures. They are less expensive and a one-time investment than hiring employees and giving them a monthly salary. For optimists, this is a far efficient solution. All the person will need to do is approach the touch screen, browse through the menu, check the price point, tap their order, customize it (if needed) and pay. The name and order will be delivered to the kitchen where the order will be prepared unseen, after which a number will appear on the touch screen indicating that order is ready and the customer can approach the glass cubbies where their food will be placed discreetly. There is no human involvement and with just a few taps here and there, the food is delivered to the customer.

Automation in the food industry is not new as restaurants have been taking reservations online, sending orders into the kitchen electronically and allowing the customers to pay their bills with just a swipe on the iPad. Overall, transparent glass touch screen are the secret to cutting personnel and printing costs and speeding up the serving process, which can be the harbinger of a time where waiters will no longer be a necessity in a restaurant.

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