How Are Transparent Display Priced?

With its inky black level screen, super wide angles and super thin panels, the OLED transparent display is here to stay. An OLED transparent display price can set you back a bit compared to a LCD but the picture quality and energy efficiency it will provide will more than make up for it.

However, the good news is that with the advent of new technology, these displays will be sold at more affordable prices eventually. But the reason for the hefty price tag is because the technology is relatively new and manufacturing the displays requires a lot of work. This is particularly true for OLED panels that are large enough to be used as television screens.

The good news is that more and more companies are buying up these screens and incorporating them in their own televisions. In other words, it won’t be long before the price of these displays comes down but that has still not stopped consumers from purchasing them. The crisp and clear image quality and energy efficiency more than make up for the price.

How much does a transparent display cost?

At most you should be ready to shell out upwards of $1800 in the United States for a transparent OLED screen and a whopping £1400 in the UK. Some brands are more expensive than others and there is a scarcity of old models in the market so going down that route will not help you. In other words, unless there is more competition in the market, the prices will remain steady. However, they will drop if manufacturers are able to fix some issues so that the demand for these screens can increase.

The transparent display price will of course depend on how you intend to use your display. Believe it or not these can be used as more than television screens. For instance, an OLED transparent display can be used as:

Museum exhibits – Display information and stream videos regarding the products on display to increase visitor engagement. Besides keeping guests entertained the displays will not emit harmful UV rays that can damage sensitive artifacts like other displays tend to do.

For retail – Placing transparent OLED displays side by side products that you are selling will go a long way in increasing their appeal. Today’s consumer prefers information that can be accessed immediately after all. Plus the merchandise will not be hidden either and will remain accessible at the same time.

For presentations – If you prefer interactive presentations in the boardroom, then purchasing these displays for the office will be a good idea. Since these are quite flexible, they won’t take up much space and can be rolled up once the presentation ends.

Comparing transparent display prices can help you come to a better decision but if you find one that is a tad bit more expensive than what your budget allows, go for it. What it lacks in cost efficiency it will more than make up for in energy efficiency. In other words, you will be saving money regardless.

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