Outdoor LCD

Advantages of Using Outdoor LCDs for Advertising

LCD displays have replaced traditional billboards and sideboards in many cities like New York, Beijing, Tokyo, London and Las Vegas. These boards use motion picture technology to display live ads instead of stationary picture advertisement that traditional posters and billboards have to offer. This type of advertisement gets a lot more attention and attracts larger audience. That is why the use of outdoor LCDs is increasing quickly.

LCD screen for outdoor advertising has certain advantages that other forms of advertising like print marketing, online advertisement, etc. do not offer.

The Largest Source of Public Advertisement

Outdoor LCDs are installed at locations that are accessible and open to a very large audience. The campaigning does not stop; it is on constant display. Due to these two factors the business gets two advantages that other mediums do not offer.

  • Targets larger audience– Since outdoor LCDs are at public locations and mostly very busy spots, the target audience reached by the brand is much larger. Thousands of people would be looking at the ads on screens and chances are that a lot of them would be from the group of audience that the brand wants to capture.
  • Free for the Viewers– Since they are active at all hours of the day, outdoor display screens offer marketing for a longer duration. Also, the audience does not have to bear any cost to have access to it, so it the most easily available public medium of advertisement. Many users view these ads while they have leisure time at hand, so there is no rush or any other thought process that would hinder the conveyance of advertisement.


On-Spot Effective Marketing

LCD screens for outdoor advertising are usually installed at the place of purchase, which gives the advantage of on-spot marketing. Viewers thus have access to marketing as well as the choice to purchase at the same time. So, chances of effectiveness of media content are higher with outdoor display.

Its captivating

People like advertisements on display outdoors. It attracts the viewers and gets them talking about the products and content. Larger than life displays also create an image of “big brand” for its products. The brand appears to be more attractive and luxurious. The recall for products displayed on outdoor display screens is also much better.


Due to the use of high definition videos, constant motion, and bright display; the impact of advertisement is much stronger. People can view the same ad at home on regular LCDs but the larger display of crystal clear video display is an additional advantage of using LCDs for outdoor advertising.

Local Market Targeting

Companies and businesses can install outdoor LCDs in local areas where the desired target audience is commonly preset and this can give them the advantage of reaching to local market of targeted audience. Companies can largely benefit from this kind of outdoor advertisement strategies.

Hence, using outdoor display screens to promote businesses and brands can work really well for owners as well as consumers.

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