Transflective LCD

Basics, Benefits and Cons of Transflective LCDs

Sunlight readable display technology has been a glorious part of progression in the dynamics of display screens. The ability of these type of LCDs to make the screen content visible under strong sunlight gives them additional advantage of being used for outdoor and window displays. Sunlight readable LCDs can be categorized into high brightness LCDs, transflective LCDs, and mirror displays. This article shall focus on the basics of transflective LCDs and the benefits they provide to the users.

What Are Transflective LCDs (TFT LCDs)?

Transflective screens operate on the mechanics of high brightness. The display is made readable in bright sunlight though a backlight as well as a reflector. The backlight serves to make the content of the screen stand out from the background, while the reflector uses the sunlight itself to make the display visible. This is done by using the sunlight to increase the brightness of the screen through reflection and not entirely depending upon the backlight to do all the work. As the brightness of the environment increases, more light is reflected and the display is brightened further.

Entailed Benefits of Transflective LCDs

As it has been mentioned above, transflective display screens do not rely upon the backlight power to make the screen content visible under ambient lighting or the brightness of the sun; it makes use of the reflective technology instead. This system of display enables transflective displays to use lesser energy. Since the device would not be using much light though its internal mechanism, rather the display is a result of the reflective mechanism mostly, this allows for TFT screens to save significant energy. Using a display screen in a well lit environment would demand more power to generate enough brightness to make the display visible. But in transflective LCDs, the brightness is generated by each pixel though a balanced emission of backlight and reflection of light in surroundings. Many devices and screens that have bright display properties have issues with the battery or power consumption. Transflective technology can be a savior in this matter.

High Upfront cost

Due to the ease that transflective screens provide in the long term in terms of power saving, you need to pay high upfront prices. The bite in the savings is quite significant but when compared to the energy savings to be made in the future, it can be settled down for.


As much ease as TFT screens provide, they also have some drawbacks. Transflective screens can give a blinding glare when used at an angle that reflects the sunlight directly in your eyes. This can be disturbing and would limit the usability at times. You may have to position the screen at angle that would be uncomfortable. Also, under low outdoor lighting conditions, the screens would not have much light to reflect. Due to this reason, it can be difficult for the users to see the displayed content clearly. They may have to glare and this may cause strain on eyes.

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